Ako Kamal

Ako Kamal 2 August, 1982 in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan-Iraq Paris Academic artistic training 2013-2015 Getting in Master 1 & 2 ELER (Space, Place, exhibitions Networks) U.F.R 04 Plastic Arts and Arts of Sciences, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France,2008 Graduation in Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Suleymaniye, Iraq, 2004 Diploma in Fine arts (5 years of study), Institute of Fine Arts, Suleymaniye, Iraq.Experiences 2018 ; Pre-Identity, Museum of Contemporary Art.2017 : Personal exhibition at Galerie Nîshtîmany Êmne sûreke, Sulaymanyah.2009 : (78 artists) Nishtimani Gallery, Suleymaniye.2007 : With Rebwar Said (a Kurdish artist) Mosexane Gallery, Suleymaniye. 2005 : Annual Festival of the University of Suleymaniye, Nishtimani Gallery.2005 : Permanent Exhibition of ZAMWA Gallery.2004 : Annual Festival of the Institute of Fine Arts in the Gallery of the Institute, Suleymaniye.2004 : Portraits Exhibition, of the Institute Gallery, Suleymaniye.